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South of France - Vessel Route Restrictions

3 February 2019

Regulations 3.9a


All vessels of 300 gt and above must use a route that passes 2 miles S of Île du Porquerolles (43 degrees 00.01N 6 degrees13.63E), Île de Port-Cros (43 degrees 00.31N 6 degrees 23.67E) and Ile du Levant (43 degrees 01.90N 6 degrees 28.20E). If the wind exceeds 20 kn and the swell exceeds 2 m; or if the firing practice areas S of the islands are active, vessels may use Petite Passe, after reporting to the signal station located on Île du Porquerolles. 

Speed through Petite Passe is limited to 12 kn.Vessels may also use Grande Passe provided they maintain a distance of at least 2 miles from the coast. The speed limit within Grande Passe is 16kn. Between the mainland and Port-Cros National Park (3.16) the speed limit is 20kn.


UKHO; H102 Benjamin Heslop 01/19[NP46-No 29-Wk 06/19]

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