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Non-EU yacht crew arriving in Mallorca now require a seaman’s discharge book following new regulation

24 January 2024

In a significant policy shift, Mallorcan authorities have now mandated that non-EU yacht crew members arriving in the region must have a seaman's discharge book to be stamped out of the EU and not run out of days.

This new requirement, effective from January 1, 2024, overrules the previously accepted practice of relying on employment contracts as evidence of seafarer status.

Those without their seaman's discharge book will be subject to regular visa checks and their remaining Schengen days will be closely monitored.

To ensure a smooth entry into Mallorca, non-EU yacht crew members are strongly advised to obtain a valid seaman's discharge book before arriving.

It is also important to note that according to the latest guidance, the new rules will apply to all yacht crew, regardless of the vessel’s flag - without exception.

To learn more about this new requirement on arrival to Mallorca, get in contact with BWA Yachting for further information.

Correction: The article previously incorrectly stated that yacht crew members arriving in the region must have a seaman's discharge book to be granted permission to embark on their assigned vessels. Thank you to ESTELA for providing this update.

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