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PYA and MaritimeMT discuss training for yacht crew at the Monaco Yacht Show

5 October 2023

The PYA and MaritimeMT held a round of discussions at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show on the topic of training for yacht crew and the changes taking place in the industry.

MaritimeMT, a leading maritime training centre based in Malta, launched their event to coincide with their strategic collaboration with Gente di Mare, a training centre based in Livorno and Genova, Italy, that forms part of the global shipping organisation’s Fratelli Cosulich Group.

The event was a big success, bringing together key industry stakeholders to discuss important issues on training and maritime licences.

“It was a great honour for the PYA to be invited to participate in MaritimeMT’s launch event at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show. The opportunities to extend training to yacht crew in Italy with in-depth STCW courses will lead to more qualified seafarers entering the industry and upskilling during a key time where our industry is in need of more qualified crew members,” said Christophe Bourillon, CEO for the PYA.

MaritimeMT extended their operations to Greece’s capital, Athens, last year as part of its strategy for international expansion, which is now opening its doors to other neighbouring ports. The synergies have brought considerable opportunities for growth across Europe where Maltese certification and licences are increasingly sought after.

The Malta Flag Registry is currently one of the most in-demand licences for seafarers globally.

Pauline Micallef, CEO of MaritimeMT said: “MaritimeMT chooses to partner with organisations on the same wavelength that share a common strategy, that of providing excellence in seafarers education.”
Elena di Tizio, Managing Director at Gente di Mare SRL, added: “Bringing the Maltese certification to Italy will create an opportunity for maritime professionals including seafarers and crew to further their studies and climb up the ranks.”
“Our standard processes and quality management system has helped us kickstart operations in different locations,” said Captain Edwin Vella, Principal at MaritimeMT.

The new cooperation will provide STCW courses to yacht crew with a focus on yachting certification in particular with the anticipation that as the partnership develops, unique courses and specially designed programmes will become available. Both MaritimeMT and Gente di Mare Italy are committed to improving the skills of maritime professionals around the world. Seafarers can access courses that meet their needs whether they are already working in the maritime sector or want to. The global standard for marine education and services is expected to rise as a result of this collaboration.

Have you considered undertaking an STCW course? Learn more about how you can access training here.

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