Sea Service Verification
The PYA is authorised by the UK Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) and by Transport Malta to verify yacht sea service testimonials for all yacht crew worldwide.
Career Advice
Support and Advice are available to members and potential new members to provide professional advice and one-to-one support to seafarers in yachting.
Yacht Rating Certificate
Some vessels require crew to have a Yacht Rating Certificate as part of their safe manning requirements. Having this certificate can improve your chances of finding a job.
Application Support
Support and Advice to obtaining your NOE, CoC, Action Plan, Revalidation and Conversion.
OOW 3000 Deck Training Record Book
The OOW 3000 Deck Training Record Book (TRB) is part of the requirements for the Officer of the Watch (Yachts) Certification – OOW 3000 (Y).
Research & Insights
Research and surveys are carried out on a regular basis by the PYA to learn about yachting industry issues from crew retention and recruitment through to safety, welfare and new technologies.
Certification of Documents for NoEs
The PYA is authorised by the MCA to certify hard copies of all original documents for MCA purposes, i.e. for NOE applications
Interior Certificate of Competency
The GUEST Certificate of Competency is a program designed by IAMI to provide yacht crew with an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in guest services.
Member Assistance Service
The MAS is a confidential support service that offers practical support to PYA members facing difficulties or challenges in their professional lives, including all work-related issues.
Welfare Group
The PYA Welfare Group aims to educate, support & guide yacht crew ensuring their well-being is safeguarded. Empowering crew with knowledge to protect their rights, and to steer them in the right direction for legal and professional assistance.
Onboard Safety Group
The Professional Yachting Association's (PYA) Safety Group is dedicated to fostering a culture of safety and well-being for all crew members on board.
Services we offer
Join the PYA membership to get access to the services listed below.